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About Me

Hello! I am Nicole Kruppa. I am currently a sophomore majoring in Cell Biology & Genetics at the University of Maryland. I first heard about the controversial topic of editing the human genome in a seminar about viruses and nanotechnology. I decided to take on the topic because I am interested in the medical and research field, so I think it is important to have knowledge on different areas of the field. 


I have spent the past couple months doing extensive research on CRISPR and genome editing in humans and how HIV impacts it for an English101 project. I have taken an in-depth look at the controversy surrounding the issue. I am a advocate for technology and science, so when I

first heard about this topic, I was unsure as to why people were so against it if it could lead to diseases being cure. After taking a closer look, I can see why people are concerned about the technology not being effective enough yet. However, I believe it has the potential to save many lives, and it is worth it to continue research.

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